We offer both full and partial acrylic (plastic) or CoCr (metal) dentures. The choice usually depends on how stable your teeth are in their current situation.

The plastic acrylic partial dentures are usually for temporary use until you need to upgrade to a more closely fitting and secure metal CoCr denture or until your wounds heal and we are able to place an implant. Nevertheless, it is a great way to replace all your teeth affordably and to allow your mouth to function relatively similarly to how it did before you lost your teeth.


For FULL DENTURES, we can fabricate a very close fitting upper and lower denture using our very accurate impression materials. We use silicone to take a mould of your gums and work together with our laboratory to make a denture, customised for you. You are part of every step of the process to ensure that you are satisfied and most importantly, able to eat with your new dentures. This may mean coming in more more visits than you are used to (usually 4-6 visits).

Most of the time, the upper denture is held in by suction and our dentists are able to do a great job making sure it stays right where it needs to. However, the lower denture tends to float around and can be a serious source of embarrassment for you if it comes out when you are laughing or eating. At SHUANG DENTISTRY, we recommend that two implants get placed for a secure feel that can increase your confidence and allow you to do the things you want to do, without worrying about your teeth.

In fact, this is quickly becoming the new standard of care all over the world. Ask our dentists about LOCATORS when you come in for a visit.